Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Girls Have New Digs: Chickghetto part 2 (movin' on up!)

Finished(mostly), Completed (almost)
The work in progress is 90% complete and the remaining 10% will be done when I see how the girls use the new home. 

It brings home the age old question:  what came first?  The coop or the run?  The coop is where the chickens hang out at night.  Tightly fenced in with a covered area where eggs are laid.  The run is where the birds hang out during the day.

So the coop and run must be attached somehow so clean water and fresh food can be changed daily.  Their run these days is the yard which I thought would be a great idea since they have a few patches of woods to hunt for bugs and things and even the garden, where the tomatoes are protected.  But too often I find them and their um, presents, poop everywhere.  They are poop machines and it's amazing how much of the stuff can be produced by 3 birds. 

This, of course, is tempered by the incredible eggs they give us everyday.  I had an amazing 2 egg omelet with fresh spinach, a pinch of grated parmesian, tablespoon of shredded cheddar cheese, and freshly ground pepper.  So good, just so good.

Back to the new digs.  The coop and run are connected.    They can be secured in the coop at night and have a 4'x8' run to play in during the day.  I can leave them out when I choose.  I'm sure I will hear much complaining tomorrow but when I get them some wood chips next week I think they will adapt.  They really have no choice.

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